@Kiran so refreshing to know I’m not alone in this journey. All my friends babies are so calm. I will try the bouncing to try and help burp her bc she is super hard to burp. We haven’t started solids yet but will soon. Thank you for all the advice!
We started with the earths best oatmeal cereal in the evening mixed with her formula at 4 months per her Dr recommendation. Also try the bike ride with legs to help her burp. But honestly we put her on our knees and just rapid bounce very low and bam she burps I even try one leg at a time so she’s moving side to side slightly
Oh! Also try change of environment maybe take her outside or the garage etc sometimes mine just wants to be outside or in her dads arms walking around the house looking at things facing forward. She’s a noisy little girl lol
Mine is was exactly like this, she’s on the same formula and on meds for reflux. We also use the gas drops in her evening bottles just as an extra boost. My daughter takes the reflux meds 2x a day. We bounce her to get her to burp. I was advised that it’ll get better once she starts eating more solids. It’s rough I completely understand what you’re going through