Hair regrowth

Tips on getting this to grow back. I pulled my hair back in this towel after my shower so I could get a better picture along with the baby hairs. I'm so self-conscious of it. It's on both sides, and I can't even wear my hair back because it's so noticeable. I'm not a big believer in pills that say they 'help'. I feel like they are a scam and are so expensive. I plan to start taking my prenatal again as I heard that helps with hair and nail regrowth.
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I've taken a hair, skin, and nails supplement that I swear by. Made my nails so tough and long , my hair thick as my roots were thinning, and I have locks. So, a good supplement, castor oil, rosemary oil , and a nice shampoo and conditioner. I'll send you the links so. Babyby is nursi, g lol.

I take these alongside my prenatals, and they help plenty!

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