I went back to playing netball at 3 weeks pp (stupidly) as I was really struggling mentally and needed to get back to exercising, I was fine xxx
Its different for everyone, I was back exercising and running from 3 weeks - if you don’t trust how your body feels perhaps see a womens health physio that specialises in pelvic assessment x
I got the go ahead from midwife’s when signed off - I went back to weight training, yoga and Pilates 4 weeks pp I also exercised prior and during pregnancy which I think helped but it was more for my mental health that I needed to go back to it x
As long as you’ve been cleared by your doctor and you feel ready then I think it’s ok to give it a try. I started back up about 8 weeks pp. Was a keen runner before and also ran through pregnancy. If you ran before you’ll know what feels right and what doesn’t. Lots of people also recommended getting a pelvic floor coach which I haven’t got round to I’ve just been doing as much core/ strength/yoga as I have running and so far feels good. Of course don’t forget to be kind to yourself. I’m much slower than I’ve ever been and have much less time. It’s a different mind set which has taken some adjustment for me but now I’m just glad the mental health benefits. Good luck getting back to it. You got this 💪 .
I didn't run until 3/4 months pp. Started with 15/20mins on a treadmill then gradually increased distance before venturing outside. Definitely don't rush it running is high impact. What you can do is work on strengthen the pelvic floor in the meantime. A mummy mot is also really good
I started running 8 weeks pp and that was after c-section
I think you can start running again. I don't run but do weightlifting and crossfit so I started crossfit about 2 months after and weightlifting 3 months after
Have you been checked since baby I was told it was 12 weeks pp for running. Xx