I feel the same! I started going out of my way to make plans with some of the girls who I worked with and to try and do something for me once a week at least. X
Maybe your best friend has no money to go do the things you are inviting her to, how about you invite her over, see if she’ll come? Or invite yourself over, “gosh it’s been awhile I miss you girl is it okay if I come over for coffee/lunch tmr? We need to catch-up!” Maybe she’s more inclined because she doesn’t need to spend any money or fill up her car, many sahm are finance-tight and depending on their partner. Like I had a friend who always said no when we invited her to far places but after a couple months she admitted she had no gas money to pour half a tank to go that far (and then entrance for the place and lunch), I told her babe why didn’t you tell me I could’ve picked you up, she felt ashamed and embarrassed to admit that at the time and I finally got to the bottom of it (why she was flaking) Anyways. She may be going through her own problems- invite her over or offer to come to hers see what she says she may be more open to that.
But having said that I have met 14 mums off here in the last 3.5yrs so you can try to reach out as well. Good luck Xx
@Kellie all I ever did was invite her over/ offer to go to hers / go for walks as I knew she was tight on money, she didn't want to do any of it unfortunately and I said to her well il leave it to you when you're ready to meet up that's okay and she just completely ghosted me and come to think of it we only ever spoke when I initiated it so it was very one sided. Thank you, I'm sure it'll get better soon. It's all still very new this mum life 😊
I feel the same. My little boy is 4 months old and I see my family once a week and go to a baby class one morning a week - I also don’t speak to anyone but I go as it breaks up the week. I have started going to a dance class one evening a week with my friend - it’s nothing serious and just for fun but I enjoy being baby free for 2hours a week, a lot of people that go turn up by themselves and we’ve made some friends there :) I have social anxiety too but I’ve really tried to push myself and put myself out there but other than that I haven’t found things to do 🥲