@Rayann I’ve took 5 strips now and they all have a second line but the digital is negative, I’ve phoned the doctors as well x
Maybe your HCG in body isnt high enough for the digital, and maybe your period wasnt a period but implantation????
@Jade it could be but my bleeding has been really quite heavy, no clots but I’ve had to wear two pads in my pants so I’m not sure x
Tbh some people have had heavy Implantion bleeding it really does depend, but see your doctor and see what they say! Please keep me posted xx
@Jade thank you! I’m so confused and sad at the same time because this is all my and my husband wanted was for another baby but I’ve googled it and chemical/miscarriage have came up which is a bit concerning, I’ll let you know when the doctors phone me back x
Well you not bleeding clots it’s a good sign! But defo keep me posted 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
Have you had any previous losses before? Reason i ask is because if you do turn out to be pregnant ask about taking progesterone its given to women who have experienced a previous loss and are having spotting in their current pregnancy Digitals usually require a much higher HCG level to detect the pregnancy, fingers crossed for you everything is ok 🤞🏻🧡
Any news?
@Jade I ended up having to go to the hospital, they took two pregnancy tests which were negative but she said the strips I’m using are very sensitive and the ones they use in the hospital require a high amount of hcg. She reckons it could be an early miscarriage because of the bleeding I’ve had or I could possibly be pregnant but she told me to take a test in two weeks time to confirm which one. I’m still confused and all over the place and would have rather found out exactly what was going on but will need to wait and see what the pregnancy test will tell me in two weeks🥺xx
@J no I haven’t had any losses before! Thank you❤️
GIRLY no way!!! Could they not Take bloods for you? And see that way? Xxx
Could have been you had a chemical possibly, as that would explain the bleeding and also the positive pregnancy tests. I’m not saying you did but could be an explanation x