Early terrible twos??

Anyones else really struggling with their toddlers? Mine 16 months and i swear shes already going through terrible twos. I just dont know how to deal with it im struggling with the stress?!
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There's a development leap around now, mines currently going through it, sleep regression and new skills being learnt. She gets frustrated because she understands but cant communicate, not sure if your little ones the same. I find that when she gets angry just process of elimination... point to mummy, what would you like... or show mummy... I find her nappys are horrendous to change, we now do this standing up, but she's better if told what's happening first or explain to her, it's nappy time soon, are you ready. It's really tough but I hope it helps even just a little knowing your not alone xx

Yep my 16 month old is exactly the same we've had early terrible twos for about 3-4 weeks now. It is really hard to deal with whens hes having a tantrum, he's so strong as well so can be a nightmare the more he's distracted or entertained the better he is! So I just ry to take him out a few times a week when I can even if it's just for a walk down my local highstreet (I live right next to it) and he seems much calmer and happier x

How do you both deal with it, i dont know how to explain what i mean. Its constantly where she is not listening or shes doing something naughty, i know she is still young but she does understands “no” “get down” ect but then when i do say these things and remove her from climbing or doing something she does then its a massive tantrum. Even just down to the smallest of things.

My boy had a full on meltdown because I wouldn’t let him carry round his pooey nappy bag this morning. I’ve never seen anything like it 😵‍💫😵‍💫

Yeah same here, my girl is 16 months and having tantrums, she does this awful gut wrenching screech when something isn’t going her way, stamps her feet and clenches her fists 🤦🏼‍♀️

Tantrums are in full swings with my 16 month old too, had our first public meltdown this week because I wouldn't let him in the pond with the ducks. 😬😬😂😂 where has my chill baby gone?

@Brittany omg same had our first one the other day too because i put her coat on after we finished having lunch in the pub!!

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