Upset when he doesn’t get sex

Does anybody else spouse get upset when they don’t have sex?? I work full time and when I come home I’m really tired most days. My spouse and I have sex quite often but there are days where I’m just not feeling it. And sex with him lasts an hour. I just feel like if I don’t do it, he has an attitude or suspects that I’m cheating. Why do some men feel that a woman has to open her legs up every time? He goes to say that he doesn’t feel like working sometimes but still does it anyway 😒🤦🏾‍♀️.
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Yup mines get mad and throws a temper tantrums.

@Cheyenne I hate when that happens.

Same! It used to be accusations now he gets fake sad like I don’t love him and he’s missing his best friend. So annoying.

Tell him to pay you a day's wage so you can stay home and pamper yourself and rest and be ready. Tf. You have to work just as hard as him ft yet you're not allowed to be tired or say no??

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