@Maaham sorry to ask. What is the reason to have a secondary pump?
@Shamaila its always good to a hospital grade pump at home (if you’re exclusively pumping) because it helps with supply and draining your breasts. This one is more for portability. So when I need to be more mobile or I am out and about - I will use this. If you aren’t exclusively pumping and just using it to increase supply between feeds then I would just buy this one alone
I do .. I love their harmony (The manual one) more .. I prefer bellababy hadsfree .. it’s literally too good
@Maaham I want to start exclusively pumping I have a 13month old..I don't have much time to feed baby with the toddler running around. I noticed i am spending less and less time with him which is quite upsetting.
@Shamaila I’m in the same position as you, I use the spectra s1 at home because I prefer the suction style - it’s softer and doesn’t feel too strong on my nipples but still gives the same output as medela without the extreme sucking. The medela I use for emergencies when I’m not at home. I use the hands free medela cups (the ones in the image you posted) with my spectra as well
I have this one and I like it but do feel it's a bit too strong even in low settings.
I use this exclusively and would recommend, works well for me
Yes I use this as my secondary pump after my spectra, it’s great and gets about the same ounces my spectra does