halo is good and affordable
@Emma R have you got her website or details ? xx
Saw this post - https://www.peanut-app.io/share/LMisiAjR8Qb and https://www.maxphoto.co.uk/media/wysiwyg/Portrait_vouchers.pdf not sure whether they do newborn. But save for later!
@Jami have u got there details also?
I use Rebecca Holland, she can coming to your place as well. Love the photo from Rebecca. https://www.instagram.com/rebeccaholland_photography?igsh=aXpqZmhpMXBiMTRi
I used sarah thew photography in consett, I’m not certain on the price as my sister in law bought us it as a gift but she was amazing
Oliver’s photography she comes to ur house she’s amazing did my twins photo shoot £95 xx