
Hi mamas, Have any of you used infacol for your little ones? I'd like to hear your experience if you did, please. These days I feel like my boy is drinking his milk/formula too fast though we try and pace him and burp him in between and after, but he gets gassy and wakes himself up if he can't pass it day or night... So today I've grabbed some infacol per advice from the community midwife however wondering now if I start using and then stop, would it impact his bawl activity in the long run? or shall I only use it when I feel that he's struggling?
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Hi! I could have written this myself! I have a 6 week old girl who was also in a similar situation, needing lots of support to bring up wind and drinking her milk too fast etc. we used infacol since she was 2 weeks old under recommendation of HV and she was fine initially and a lot better at bringing up wind. However this last week, it’s had a reverse effect and her reflux has really kicked in, causing her to be in pain and agony and crying all the time! So I stopped the infacol yesterday and touch wood she seems to be a lot better, less in pain and sleeping for longer period whereas she was waking up after 20mins the last few days! I think the infacol was overworking on her little guts and causing too much acid, so see how you go, and stop using if baby doesn’t like it anymore x

I used infacol all the time with my first baby and it worked really well for her! This time around is completely different, didn't seem to be making her burp at all and she was being sick, I stopped the infacol and she hasn't been sick since! Touch wood xxx

We use infacol it works really well for my wee boy for wind as he takes ages to wind without it! X

ah I see, it's good to know that at least things go back to normal once you stop using it! appreciate the input ladies ☺️ @Sonia @Lauren @Chelsea

I started using it to help my baby bring up burps i dont think its made much difference but shes definitely passing a lot more wind x

We initially used Infacol as our little girl is a nightmare to burp! But we stopped using it as found that it made her reflux worse. My friend swears by Infacol and helped her babies but it didn’t agree with ours. She also drinks way too fast snd swallows so much air, found out on Monday she has tongue tie! Maybe your little one could have something like that; that’s why they are drinking fast? But I hope the Infacol works for your boy x

Ours hates infacol because of the orange flavour so we use dentinox instead and it seems to be helping. We put it in her bottle rather than giving her the syringe directly. They both need to be used at every feed to be effective.

very interesting I'm partially worried now about starting... my boy burps just fine but he's also very gassy and 💩 less... I might see his reaction first and see how that goes, thanks ladies

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