Poop question!

Our little one is 11 months and since weaning she often “pushes” to go and goes a little red in the face/grubty. Her poops aren’t hard (just firm/formed), and she goes daily so I don’t think it’s a case of constipation. We were with a friend today and her little girl pooed and it basically shot out and just sounded like a fart 🤣 it made me think is my little one ok if she always grunts, or is it just a case of every baby is different? I thought at 11 months I’d feel I have a grip on motherhood but still blagging it daily 😅
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My son was the same way for a little while around 9 months, his doctor recommended a small amount of juice, we tried but it didn’t work great, so we switched to just water, we try to get him to drink 6-8oz every day and he poops great now. ZAK cups are great for this age too, they are a straw cup, easy to clean, and dishwasher safe.

@Rachel thanks! We struggle to get her to drink water through the day from many different types of cups (also tried juice) so will have a look at that cup!

Hopefully that helps!!! 🤞🏼 I tried a ton of cups with my first also, if she liked it I HATED cleaning it, and if she wouldn’t use it , it was probably easy to clean hahaha. This was the first cup to make both of us happy. And in over a year of using them, I’ve had only 1-2 leaks

Our LO hated all cups for the first fee months except the panda ear straw cups. She is now using other cups without an issue. We mixed water with a splash of juice

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