I didn’t test at all and held out until 12dpo when I new I was nearly due my period and implantation should have finished . Got my first positive 14dpo x
I don’t know exactly when I ovulated but I wasn’t testing positive until two day before my period was due so likely 13/14 DPO. I tested every day from far too early on, but I was okay doing that because I knew it didn’t mean I wasn’t pregnant but rather that it was too early. I was fairly certain I was pregnant because of the symptoms I was having. No one right approach, but definitely don’t count yourself out yet 😊 xxx
With my boys I was 12-14dpo But my girl was 7-8dpo xx
I got a shadow 6dpo then faint 7dpo. Not sure how as I knew when I ovulated.. lh test and temp however had a mmc