My little one is 15 weeks and I’m pumping too (it’s hard work isn’t it 😂). she has about 4 feeds of between 5 and 6 oz and then at bed time I give her 7oz formula (She was given formula in the hospital when she was born and we were separated so I just kept up with it to be honest). It sounds like your baby is having similar amounts as mine. I just think so long as they’re having wet/dirty nappies, they’re putting on weight then it must be fine?
My little one is 15 weeks and also exclusively pumping. Shes taking about 25-30oz a day now. She’s eating every 2-3 hours in the day and then sleeps through the night. Though, this has only been the case for the last week. She’s always been a guzzler and finishes her bottles, but I don’t give more than 5oz per feed.
I'm also exclusively pumping, little girl is 12 weeks and she has an average of 700mL a day. It's hard to find guidance on how much she should be having, as all of it is aimed towards formula fed babies, and it's not clear to me whether that is the same for bottle-fed breast milk... I just try to remember that if I were feeding from the breast I wouldn't have any idea how many mL she's having