I wouldn’t use these tests they are soooo unreliable xx
@Eileen how can you tell?
The line to thin
@Katie it was a different brand that gave me a positive result on Sunday 😞 I ordered these hoping they'd me better
How about a first response? I’ve heard the red dye tests are a lot better - how many dpo are you? Worth trying a digital? Xx
@Katie I'm going to order some different brands. 15dpo and 3 days late for my period. I used water on the last two tests in the pack and no evaporation lines came up
@Eileen the last two tests in the pack I used water as I thought maybe it was a dodgy batch and there's no evaporation lines come up. Is urine more likely to cause evap lines?
I had this last month three in a row came up and then did pink test and was negative 😔 il never trust clear blue ever again. Can you get a first response to see x
This is what my positive looked like. Line then faded. I did an early detection digital test and it said pregnant 1-2. Id try one of those
Evaps x