Yes she is on solids and is still tolerating these very well. She has had nothing new but I understand that allergies can come up after having no reaction before. I completely changed her diet this week to see if I could irradiate any allergens and it hasn’t helped so far. She isn’t on any meds. The doctor thinks norovirus but surely two weeks is too long. The main recommendation I got from each doctor was to introduce processed food to try to back her up a bit. This didn’t work and the baby hated it. She is drinking a good amount of water.
Rice cereal is constipating. My daughter had similar symptoms (at a younger age tho) and ended up having a milk allergy
Bananas are also another food that could constipate. We all had a stomach virus for a week and baby boy had diarrhea for longer, probably close to 2 weeks as well , in addition to vomiting after ever feed and eventually developing and eat infection. Keep pushing fluids mostly water and and pedialyte. You can also try just plain coconut water. Their bodies take longer to bounce back from illnesses than our do, but as long as there’s no fever, lethargy, or excessive vomiting, I would stress too too much.
I HIGHLY suggest changing to a Peds that cares about your concerns. It’s my assumption you’ve introduced solids? If so, she could be allergic to something you’re giving her. On any meds? Also norovirus has been running rapid. Gave me and Dad diarrhea for 3 days and baby had it for a day while some others experienced longer. Please keep her hydrated, even if it’s a couple sips of water and not formula.