i just realised you have a 15 week old and not 15 months old lol
Haha still doing this idea though! Maybe I'll get some bath toys. Thank you xxx
We are exact same she’s suddenly screaming and she’s 12 weeks but always loved it. I’ve tried getting in with her, different temps, with a towel in bath, without a towel, not washing hair and nothing works. Tonight is the first night she’s laugh and smiled and no cries as my partner stood in the bath and stayed stood up and she just stared looking up at him, he was dancing pulling faces and had a glow whale light thing and she was so fixated whilst I washed her x only advice I’ve got but it worked for us tonight x
Hey are you using a muslin or towel in the bath? We found with both our sons this made a complete difference and never had issues since, just wrap them in it once undressed and place them in the bath with it on and we just keep it lightly over the bottom half of their body and keep splashing water over so they don’t get cold :)
Ours hated being in the seat, she wanted to be sat (held by us). Can't remember the age but the screaming stopped as soon as we sat her in the baby bath!
Maybe try to make it fun - like a beach day! Grab your holiday sunglasses and little pool floats or baby bath toys? Maybe get him excited to wear some fun new swim trunks or something in the bath too! You did well hopping into the bath with him too, he must feel much safer with you in there with him x