As long as he can roll, you’re fine to leave him be! I know it’s scary but they’ll be fine! Get yourself some sleep!
Most children move if their air ways are blocked. Make sure you’re following safe sleeping rules. Sleep sac etc then he should be fine. Test his preservation reactions to be sure.
Good lord, please don't use pillows to prop him and girl, get yourself some sleep. It's fine! As long as you've put him down on his back, he can roll where he wants, there's no need to move him.
No I took one look at that pillow and its definitely more of a risk than him sleeping on his face. I don't understand some people 🤣 it's so scary waking up to him laying face down but i guess he's comfy!
Those pillows are a suffocation risk 🫣 if he can roll himself the recommendation is to still put them to sleep on their backs but it’s ok if they turn over. It’s safer for him to sleep on his belly than with a pillow in the crib!!