Co sleeping

Anyone else co-sleeping? My LG is 10 months old. When she sleeps in her cot she doesn’t sleep long. And she is now in habit of hitting her head on the bars. I have bumpers but only the ones that stop her arm getting through. I’m worried that it’s not a good idea? She sleeps longer in bed with just me (my partner works night shifts) so she gets the sleep she needs. I’m just worried that when it comes to making sure she stays in her cot it’s going to be difficult 😭
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It’s up to you personally I wouldn’t co sleep however if you do plan on it do you research on how to do it safely (if you haven’t already) depends of you want to co sleep in future the longer you leave it the harder it’ll be to break the habit xx

We’ve co slept since day 4 I think but he still goes in his cot for naps and first stint of the night come 4/5am he’s awake and will sleep with us or if he’s ill but never affected him sleeping and liking his cot! I’ve been told babies hitting their head can be a form of self soothing or just them bumping it but shouldn’t cause to much of a problem xx

I co sleep with my little boy since around 4 months old he's now 10 months and he contacts sleeps during the day and that but I just feel he sleeps so much better in eith me and I personally don't see anything wrong eith it xx

I co sleep. I put her in her cot and anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours later she wakes up and wants me. When she's in the bed with me I put her on the other side, no pillow or covers near her (I sausage roll myself with the duvet). And she usually wakes while I'm still awake, crawls to me and snuggles into me before going back to sleep. It's very cute. But that's all she wants. I usually put her back but within 30 minutes she will wake and crawl back to me and snuggle in. I sleep lightly when she's in the bed because I always worry she might get out the bed.

I co-sleep. I move baby into the cot that's in my room when she's asleep. If she falls asleep while rocking in the rocking chair, then I put her straight into her cot. If she wakes up, I bring her in bed with me to breastfeed her back to sleep, and depending on how awake I am, I either put her back in her cot or fall asleep

I co sleep safely and have done from 6months however we have tried to transition to cot with no luck as she wakes up after an hour or two. So co sleeping works for us as she sleeps through the night

My first was the best sleeper in the world from day dot even now almost 4 happily listens to his Yoto goes sleep no issues , takes himself to bed sleeps the night and never slept a day in our bed My April baby ! Horrendous sleeper until we coslept and honestly I choose sanity over a battle with two active boys 😂 x

Thanks guys 🫶 she co-sleeps with me safely. She sleeps through the night so at the moment, it works. Was just a little worried but glad I’m not alone x

Only bought baby in a few times with me in 10 months when she was in my room. She’s in her own room for naps and nights and sleeps through.

I personally don’t because I have a sleep-related medical condition and it wouldn’t be safe for my son but if I could have done it safely I definitely would have!

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