I brought my 5 year old his first ever switch for his birthday
my daughter turns 5 next month too, im struggling aswell i’ve got her a tonies box so far and going to get her a small kids dressing table as she loves mine and keeps asking for one x
Im also struggling but we have settles with a switch as she doesn’t need any toys she’s got a bike and scooter. It’s been so hard and I also booked a little Butlin’s holiday with mr tumble for her birthday x
Yeah we have a million toys x
So my daughter is 5 in march and the only thing she's asked for is the Little Live Pets Mama Surprise Mini (bunny) which she saw when shopping for her friends birthday present. It's £13 and I brought it straight off thinking it can be her gift from her little brother. Then she tells me she doesn't need anything else as other family will get her presents anyway 🥹
Tonies are great ! We got my little girl a phone from Amazon it's not got internet or anything it's just got kids games and loads of educational things on it as well as a camera and she absolutely loves it ! She got some Crayola washamals and is a big fan of them. She got loads of craft things which she loves. But that phone is great she's been obsessed with it ! X
My eldest is 5 in June so I’ve not even thought about it yet🙈 my youngest is 1 next week and I’ve struggled with him too😅😅😅😅
@Ebony Rose for my little girls 1st birthday I just got her lots of sensory toys with flashing lights and music xx
My daughter loves arts and crafts; so she has oil pastels, chalk pastels, fine tip pens, sewing, jewellery making items on her list that everyone buys from.
@Emily Edmunds it’s so hard especially nearly straight after Christmas 🙈 we’ve got him a few toys, a climbing frame/slide thing for his main and one of them bluey sofa chairs then asked family to get him clothes cause that’s what he’s desperate for xx
My LG is born New Year’s Day we divided up the gifts and she ended up with all frozen stuff on her birthday and everything else at Xmas. She got a frozen tongue character, frozen blanket, PJs and dressing gown, a new water bottle, a bag, some crocs etc all frozen themed. She was made up and we didn’t spend a fortune it was mostly practical stuff too
My daughter turns 5 next month & We are going to Alton Towers & staying at the CBeebies hotel for 2 nights & we are just going to let her pick out a couple of toys from the CBeebies shop
@Ebony Rose Aw I know it is difficult xx
I’m getting same for my little girls first birthday just sensory toys x
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When I asked mine she just said "presents" like it was so obvious. In the end we got her some Lego and a few clothes bits
I’m getting my girl a bike! She loves Bluey so we will get her a Blueys bike and PJ set xx
My little girl says the same or just chocolate 🤣