I packed mine at like 38 weeks 🫣 by the end of my pregnancy my body had changed so much that I don’t think any clothes I packed that early would still work haha. And the other stuff like toiletries, phone chargers, etc needed to be available to use. Just make a packing list in advance and then you or your partner will be able to get things together quickly when the time comes.
Thanks both. Oh yes a list! I’ll put one together over the next couple of weeks in case there is a rush. Thank you 🩷
I have had to go twice to the hospital for overnight monitoring but honestly it’s not worth having a go bag unless you have to go alone your better off sending someone to get pjs and a charger you won’t need much else
I had an emergency bag with spare knickers, pyjamas and a toothbrush in from about 36 weeks. Then packed a proper one at 40 weeks haha. Baby came at 41+3
I started making a list at 32 weeks. Then packed the bag like at 33/34w because baby gave us a scare and stopped moving. As time went on I kept adding stuff to the bag whenever I remembered something and reorganized it like 4 times lol. Gave birth at 38w so it was nice to have that done when my water broke and I had to go to the hospital
I like @Cesca ‘s suggestion. If you’re concerned just have a few things packed in your car or something in case of an emergency. Maybe just with stuff you have at home
I started to pack mine around 34 weeks but never finished 😅 we were very unprepared. Tip tho… use a small suitcase if you can! One with wheels! Makes it so much easier!
I’d probably say just after 30 weeks maybe? My baby came early at 35+4 weeks and I still had a few bits I didn’t get chance to pack!
I started my list at about 22 weeks then started washing LGs stuff at around 28-30 weeks as the weather was lovely and meant I could do a big load and hang it out to dry. It was all packed and my bag was as well by 32 weeks as we were going away for the weekend at 34 weeks 2 hrs away so wanted it in the car in case I went into labour early and had to go to a hospital near where we were staying. After we got back, I just made sure it was somewhere easy to grab if we needed it, and if we went out for the day just made sure it wasn't too far from home.
I wouldn't worry yet, I just packed mine today at 34 weeks. There is no harm in getting some bits together if it makes you feel more organised and relaxed though 😊