@Kay We tried Dr.Browns and he doesn't seem to like the nipple design at all. The little bit we have been able to get him to eat has been from nipples with wider bases. I did try the 0 flow from Avent, we have bounced from 2 to 1 to 3. He did a couple decent feedings on the 3 last night, but today it has been next to nothing. I gave Tommee Tippee a try, and it worked for one feeding, though he dribbled a bit. But now we are back to nothing. We see the doctor tomorrow, but this is just breaking my heart.
@Jaquelyn ugh i'm sorry! Maybe a LC could help. She even gave us a transitional nipple that was between premie and level 1. We never tried it but she was trying to help. We've never used any other bottles so not sure what else is out there! I know at the beginning my husband fed baby with baby's bottom on his belly and supported him up behind his head to almost sit up. Instead of holding in arms. That worked for them and baby was more willing.
We used premie nipples for the first 3 weeks. We use dr brown's and level 1 was too much. We switched to premie and he was a pro. Then about week 3 we realized he was struggling again and went to level 1.