I had a friend deliver her daughter sunny side up and baby was just fine. I think she had to be more careful and intentional in her first bit of pushing, but once the head was out, everything was perfect
You’re totally capable of birthing sunny side up! You’ll likely have intense back labor. I would start doing all the spinning babies moves and miles circuit and lots of movement on the yoga ball if you have one! These things will help get baby into optimal position for birthing! Good luck mama you got time for baby to spin around still!!
My last baby was Sunnyside up and by far my hardest, most painful delivery. He was a big baby, too, though. Delivery was still fine, and I didn't have any stitching needed, so that was a plus. But definitely a ton of back labor, and I was stuck standing the whole time due to positioning. I highly recommend looking up ways to get baby to flip over face down now, vs while in labor.