My baby was breastfed and we switched to formula in the day and the he feeds off me at night. He was exactly the same wouldn’t even entertain formula. We managed to get the odd pre-made one down him but the only way he would have it is it I topped it up with some of my breastmilk. He now drinks it fine maybe try and add some milk you have pumped For the record my baby has Kendamil x
as @Sophie has said, a good way to do it could be to mix some breastmilk in with the formula first and then gradually reduce the amount of breastmilk and increase the formula - mine takes hipp organic really well x
Maybe mix a little more formula into breastmilk each feed until they are only having formula
Thank you everyone so much for the tips. Today I cooled the formula down more and gave her it as the first feed of the day and she guzzled it. Hopefully it will only get easier from here as I need to introduce 2 bottles of formula a day soon 🙏
What formula did you try? I've recently introduced Aptamil to my breastfeed baby and the first few times she was very hesitant with it but after a week is drinking it better, she still mostly gets breast milk bottles but has warmed up to the few formula bottles she gets, keep trying it. We warm ours up quite a bit as that what my baby prefers and I know this sounds silly but we also sing to her to distract her at the start until she started sucking it consistently and now after a week she takes it fine. maybe try that ??