It’s so hard have you tried napping her during the day? My son done this and I had to nap him for a couple of hours a day he’s back to not napping again now xx
No help I'm sorry but just know you're not alone. We've been going through the same since July 2024. We've tried everything, even oaid for a sleep consultant which did t work. We've resorted to putting her to sleep in her own bed then she ends up coming into our room anywhere between 11 snd 1am. We either put her back and have to stay with her (sometime ashes wakes again sometimes sleeps til 6am) but usually we don't have the energy so partner has to get out of our bed and sleep in hwrs whilst she sleeps with me. She won't allow him in our bed with her glued to my side. We're at that point of just doing what we have to to get sleep. It won't last forever.... I hope!!! Xx
So sorry you're going through such a hard time. 😔 sleep deprivation is the worst especially with another toddle to look after as well. Mine started acting up at bedtime since she was 2.5 asking for cuddles every night. It was also difficult as I had my youngest who would co sleep and the two woudnt fall asleep at the same time so had to keep them seperate at the time until bedtimes matched and now I co sleep with both my youngest in his cot attached to my bed and both sleep well now. If possible could you or your husband put up room with her for a few months and see if that helps. I would say it would need to be consistent so she trusts that there's someone in the room with her and that your not going to leave. It ound like fear of waking alone if she has no reasons. Even after cosleeping with my daughter, she would still wake at the same time each night to make sure I was in bed with her and hadn't deserted the room. It took her roughly 5 months to trust I'll be in bed and won't leave her x