Car seat

Which way is your 18 month old facing in the car?
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Rear facing. Much safer x

Rear facing x

Rear facing for aslong as possible x

rear facing, and will be until shes 5/5.5 ish x

Rear I tried forward facing once and it looked so uncomfortable for her x

Rear facing till she 4 or 5 x

She cannot stand rear facing without cartoons and what not so I’m going to try forward facing and some toys

Rear for awhile

Rear Facing for as long as possible x

Rear facing xx

Rear facing and will be for as long as possible as its so much safer

Rear facing 100%

Rear facing and it will be for the foreseeable future. It's the safest option for them

Rear facing for as long as possible! X

Rear facing, not really going to let on to him that there’s another option!

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Rear facing and will be until she maxes out the 125cm/36kg limit on her seat. It’s 5x safer for them to be rear facing in a crash so it’s a no brainer for me.

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