The flow difference between 2 and 3 is ridiculous! My girl is coming up for 7 months and can’t handle 3 so is still on 2
Always do slow flow for EBF babies to avoid bottle preference. My toddler is 2 and still has a bottle of cows milk before bed and will only accept size 1 teats 😂 he was breastfed for 18 months!
@Lauryn we keep trying 3 with my nearly 6 month old and he takes 1 sip and he is drowning so swap back to 2 😂
@Gabrielle yeah the difference is crazy!
Thanks everyone! So I tried with teat 1 so far, she sucks the milk out and it pools in her mouth. I don’t know if that’s because she’s confused and doesn’t know how the teat works so doesn’t swallow the milk or if it’s coming out too fast???? I will keep trying of course
With my babygirl when I give her 1-2 she is ten months old and mainly has boob over bottle.