Birth Story 💙

This looked fun to play! * Name: Kendrick/Nugget/Chulo/Pito etc * Pain relief: Spinal Block * Induced or spontaneous: Induced due to pregnancy hypertension * Episiotomy: NO * C-section or Vaginal: C-section 😢 after hours in labor due to previously unknown fibroid * Sex known: Yes * Labor length: 36 hours of different inducing methods only for as far as 3 centimeters. * Due date/birth date: November 24th/ Novemeber 9th * Morning sickness/cravings: No morning sickness ( I know I was blessed) no cravings but aversion to meat. * Hospital stay: Total of 5 nights. * Weight/length: 6 lbs 8 ozs. 19.5 inches * Age now: 3 months
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Sooo cute and his name is Kendrick? Is that after Kendrick Lamar or no? I love the name either way!! Congrats mamas!

Yes after Kendrick Lamar. 🤣🤣Me and my boyfriend were obsessed during my pregnancy and I loved the name too.

I had a c section and honestly it wasn’t that bad.. I recovered in 6 weeks and back to work and work out.. I wish people wouldn’t label it as such a terrible situation.. we focus on it so much pre pregnancy then once baby is here it doesn’t matter really.. Cure baby btw :)

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