Potty training!

Hi all, we're finding potty training tough at the moment as our little one doesn't like the potty even when I show her favourite toys on them or showing her our toilet etc....when I ask her does she need potty she says no but then does it in her nappy..she says I do not want potty... she is starting nursery September, so panicking for time....
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Is there a requirement to be potty trained before starting nursery. September is 6 months away which is lot of time. We started potty training my daughter 3-4 months back and she just hated it. We tried it for few days and then completely stopped. Took a break of 3 months one day she just told us that she want to go and it just went smoothly after that. She is diaper free except naps and bedtime. We have also not tried to potty in the seat yet.

I potty trained in 4 days. The first two days I had her without diaper or pants for the day (nude from the waist down). She got the hang of it right away and went all day without an accident. It’s either potty all over themselves or go on the toilet. The transition from nude to panties was rough but I stuck with it and she’s been fine ever since! Even stopped going in her diapers over night for the most part. Best of luck

Our son was really resistant at first too- he hated going so we stopped for a week and reset. I got him this potty book and chart for the bathroom and we committed to giving it a shot again and he was much more receptive. We also tried to make it routine like before snack we pee and wash our hands.. and instead of setting a timer he could hear or see I just set it on my phone and made sure to take him around 20-30mins mark. It honestly took him 3 weeks for it yo really click- my first was much faster 😅 but now we’re making it through full days without accidents and he’s starting to go on his own. You’ve got this!

They say never to ask because the answer will always be NO instead tell them we are going to take a potty break. Pause the toys say they will wait for us. Pause the tv/show and walk them sit them and wait a little bit. Then take them off and walk about so she knows toys will wait and no move while she is gone. Second instead of doing long periods of time do more short time one more often There’s a few books and videos we really like “ how to potty train a dinosaur “ there’s a read out loud story on YouTube. Once we took diaper off we never went back. We stayed in underwear for naps and bed time! THERE WILL BE ACCIDENT I use to think potty trained meant no accidents at all but they are still toddlers. I potty trained my LO at 19 months took is says 2-3 weeks everyone is different you can do it !

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