
Hi I’m a first time mum and was wondering what other mums thoughts were about finding out the gender? If it’s better to find out before bubs is born or wait and be surprised. Xx
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I haven’t found out with both of my pregnancies and 100% recommend! It’s such a nice surprise. However, I genuinely couldn’t have cared less about if I had girls or boy. I think that those who have a preference and think they would be upset if they had the other gender are best to find out in the pregnancy as this gives you time to process any potential disappointment before Bub arrives! Post partum and having a newborn are hard as it is, you wouldn’t want to be disappointed with the gender too x

I have 3 and left all to be a surprise. I loved that it was a shared experience for both of us at the birth, but also all traditional games and conversations you have with people along the way as people like to guess . The only hard thing was coming up with names for both genders. Congratulations on your baby ☺️

@Ruby thank you ruby x

@Hayley Thank you so much Hayley 🙂x

We never found out, we had an ivf pregnancy with extra scans so figured gender could be a surprise for us. We weren't phased if it was a girl or a boy, although I know some people have gender disappointment.

We found out with our first pregnancy but our current one we decided we are waiting for the big surprise (this will be our last bubba so we thought why not have a surprise)! I’ve got son and stepdaughter already so I’m not fussed either way and super excited for the special surprise when Bub arrives in May! Goodluck on your journey and whatever you decide! Both are special memories either way! Happy and healthy baby wishes for you 😍♥️

I’ve been desperate to find out every time! The obvious reason is it makes it easier to pick names, decorate the nursery, buy clothes etc But also I kind of knew I had a gender preference and so finding out gave me time to process and I’d recommend that to anyone who may have a preference As someone who had really horrible pregnancies knowing the gender made me feel a bit more connected to the baby and helped me keep feeling excited even when I was super miserable about how sick I was The other thing I’ve noticed is that my miscarriage where I knew the gender has somehow been easier to process than the two where didn’t know, we were able to name the baby and I guess it feels like we have more of an idea of who we’re missing rather than just knowing we lost an undefined being if that makes sense I think it’s a really personal decision for every couple but definitely consider whether you have gender preference I think that’s the biggest one

Best surprise of my life : so pleased I waited🩷 I really really wanted a girl & got one.

I found out with my first, but not with this one and I absolutely recommend waiting! It just adds on an element of surprise and excitement I didn't get with my first.

My partner wanted to know and he found out at 16 weeks. I didn’t want to know. He managed to keep the gender a secret until the end and never slipped once. It was the most amazing surprise❤️

There is no right or wrong way. We chose to know the gender of each child (we have 3) as early as possible purely for a practical reason - we needed all the time we could have to pick each child's name so narrowing down the search to one gender really helped with that. There will be so much to discover when baby is here, I don't think knowing the gender before baby is born takes away from any of those magical first moments. 🥰

We found out with both of our kids. We both wanted to know what the gender would be and also I wanted to have everything prepared for baby’s nursery, clothes and name. I don’t regret finding out at all, if anything it made me feel so connected to my baby, specially when I’d speak to him in my belly it felt like we were really getting to know each other even if that sounds a bit silly 😜

I’ve only had one baby but we didn’t find out & I loved it. I found it easier to write a list of names cos I hadn’t fully started to imagine what they looked like. It was just so exciting to wonder who they were. We don’t get many surprises in life & having my partner be able to say “it’s a girl, we have a daughter” then share that with family was priceless. I totally get why people choose to find out but I would 100% do it all over again not knowing x

I never found out. I just love the surprise!!!

I’m to impatient to wait. Having a child is very exciting I didn’t want to buy everything neutral but that’s just me

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