I'm in the same boat and also not sure what to do about it. My daughter is waking at minimum every 3 hours to nurse. My husband has tried to step in and rock her back to sleep for some of these wake ups, but it never works she just wakes back up immediately when he tries to lay her back down. Giving her the boob is the only thing that seems to work.
My son JUST got past this and it was a true nightmare. To not sleep a full night in 8 month is a different type of exhaustion. The only thing that helped me was constant repetition. I knew he wasn’t hungry at night because before the 4 month sleep regression he was sleeping almost through the night so I gave him the paci instead of the boob at night and it’s been amazing. He still isn’t sleeping through the night but has found a lot of soothing in his paci which he was never a huge fan of. I know how frustrating this is but try to be very patient and CONSISTENT. They’re are going to throw a fit if it’s not to boob at first but keep trying 🙏🏼
Also crib training was easier for me during naps, at first he would only sleep for about 30 minutes at a time. But I was CONSISTENT, I’d lay him down drowsy, leave him in there during the days to play or if I was picking up around his nursery. I realized exposing him to his crib helped a lot. He’s now sleeping all naps in crib and the first stretch of sleep which is about 3-4 hours. You can reach out to me if any questions. Also I never do or did CIO method if that’s a concern!
my son is the same!! he sleeps in his crib but he’s still waking multiple times a night for boob
I have a routine with my daughter 6:30-7 we eat dinner that’s a 7oz bottle with two oz purée no latter then 8 we do bath time from by 8:30 she’s relaxing I put her in her swing for 30 mins she watches her show. She might fall to sleep in swing if not I pick her up turn Yolanda Adam’s radio on pandora. It’s usually gospel. Walk around and rock her for two-3 songs and she’s sleep no later than 10. She sleeps through the night but she needs to be fed and changed any where between 2-4am then she will sleep til 9am