Struggling 😭

Hiya Guys, My baby girl is 9 months and exclusively breastfed and has never slept the night however as of recent her sleep is absolutely terrible. I put her down around 7pm and she will do a stretch until 9/10pm then after that she is constantly tossing and turning, wanting to be attached to my boob, I have barely slept for the last couple days. I really don’t know how to comfort her without my boob as she has never been able to go to sleep independently only if we are in the car ect… please someone tell me its get better.
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I am going through the exact same thing so I’ll like to know if it gets better too.

Going through the same. I think he is teething. He is super clingy as well during the day and refuses to eat solids.

nice to see we all in the same boat lol 🥲

Same here! My girl is 9 months tomorrow and she wakes up twice in the night at the min and can be awake for an hour 😑. Driving me nuts!

Omg I'm glad I'm not going insane by myself over here. My 9mo has basically been attached to me boob for the last couple of days and if shes not in the same room as me she screams. I hope this doesn't last long

Sorry you are all going through ladies and hopefully we come out the other end soon but nice to know I am not the only one going through this as thought I was genuinely doing something wrong 🙈

I'm a couple months ahead of you but my boy did this at 9 months. We did everything and then finally snapped and did sleep training again. We had previously tried every sleep training method we could find and none of them worked so we tried cry it out. It was painful to watch him cry and not go pick him up but on the 2nd night he slept through for the first time ever. Now he's such a good little sleeper and sleeping through 12h consistently. I literally just feed him,brush his teeth then put him down in his cot and say goodnight. He rolls over and goes to sleep on his own. I would give sleep training a try. There are quite a few methods to try and hopefully one of the kinder ones works for you.

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