@Chelsea oh wow Lol. Even after starting to eat food? I was under they impression they drink less formula once they start eating. (I’m a first time mom).
Yep even after she started eating solids! To me she was on the low end for formula compared to her older brother! My eldest was drinking 8-9oz bottles even after starting solids.
@Chelsea oh okay thanks! That sounds expensive! Lol.
It was 😅 luckily they were 3 yrs apart so I had a little break in between buying formula haha
My girl is 12 weeks and drinks between 3-5 every 2.5 hours during the day
I have twins. Twin A takes 4oz and twin b takes 6oz.
4-5 12 weeks
My daughter was taking 6oz every 3-4 hours by 6 weeks old and held steady on that all the way up to her first birthday!