She has just turned 3. Some days she is good but others now she is not
My little one is 7 weeks old
I think personally I’d park it for a few weeks and come back to it x
We went through a big regression in September, my little girl had been potty trained for about 5 months or so. I tried everything. Went back to basics with her, started sticker charts, reread all the books. everything. When I asked her why she was weeing and pooing in her knickers she said because she wanted to. So the next time she wee'd I told her there were no clean pants and I left her in her wet ones for literally no more than 2 minutes while I pretended to find some. She didn't do it again. Harsh but it worked.
Hi, I could’ve written this post. I’ve had a baby boy in September, and my daughter went back to wear nappies although she’s been dry over the summer. It was very frustrating to say the least. We tried everything. Sticker chart as reward scheme, lots of talking and reasoning with her. But didn’t seem to get anywhere. I then decided to just not give it any attention (good or bad). I’d just change her nappy, only kept saying that big girls use the potty or toilet. No encouraging or prompting her. She eventually came round just a few weeks ago and is now dry day and nights. I wish you a lot of strength, don’t pressure yourself or her. She will get to it. Big hugs xx
Hi lovely! I’ve just been through it all again with my 3rd (I’m also a potty training consultant) and I’d say this is really normal response to big life changes. How old is your little one? It sounds like you may have to go back to square one. If you haven’t the bandwidth to do that right now, you could pop her back in a nappy until she’s feeling more settled (lots of books about potty training, play with toys using the potty etc) then go again x