Could it be his back molars? My little boys started coming through around that time and it really disrupted his sleep! Started giving him Calpol/nurofen before bed and when he woke up and it helped x
My girls are 2.5years and going through the same thing…wonder if it’s the age for another sleep regression. My girls vocab is getting a lot better at the min so wonder if it’s just their brains working overtime
We have the same thing. I let her in with us. Sometimes she goes straight down other times she will cry in our bed too. She actually slept through the night in her bed last night!! Amazing! Don’t have an answer unfortunately. It was worse when she was over tired. But it’s still happening now x
@Rae what are you doing in the night? I’ve been putting him in my bed simply because he shares with a younger sibling and I don’t want him to wake him up 😭🙈
@Amy ah no he has all of his teeth! But thank you 😭 so definitely isn’t this I’m struggling so bad 😣
@Emily oh maybe it is a development stage I think for sure. He seems much better in just a lot of things so I wonder too, what are you doing throughout the night? I just can’t cope lol x
@Jess yes so amongst all the bad nights he has slept through until 6am 2 times but that’s like in the last 1.5 months. I’m exhausted! And still crying in my bed, I don’t want my bed to be a bad habit so he gets used to it but he shares with a younger brother and I don’t want him to disturb him so I just take him out of the room. I don’t know what else I can do xx
@Ashley that’s super hard if he shares. I would have said take him back in. With my little girl she can take hours when I take her back in. So I have given up. I think it’s developmental and for us she’s got a bit of separation anxiety at night. The nights she’s worse I feel her feeling for me in the bed. When her hand finds me she relaxes. So I’ll put my hand on or near her for comfort. Might be nightmares. Think they start to have dreams properly n things around now x
@Ashley I’m really struggling too, I honestly don’t have an answer. Tried magnesium cream on their feet for a couple of weeks which seemed to help but then it started again so don’t know if that was just coincidence. Are you finding bedtime is also a nightmare? I’m in there for over an hour every night just trying to get them into their bed. I’ve stopped bringing them into the bed through the night now which is making it worse but hoping it’s worth it for not letting that become a habit long term. It’s so tough
We have swooped our little girl in to a toddler bed and it seems to have helped a lot! Where is sleeping ? In a cot still?
@Ashley I was the same with twins…quickly swooping one out into my bed to try not wake the other one. It’s so hard but I think even if you can get into his bed/lie on his floor and whisper to try calm him down it’s better than your bed
@Jess yeah no definitely mixture of things it seems. Once I say I’m there too he calms, but he gets worked up. I feel guilty if he just wants reassurance I’m there and If it’s making him settle I feel he should be in my bed. I just don’t want to make bad habits. We still manage to get him down at bedtime with a story so he still starts in his bed but ends up in mine x
@Emily yeah no I have bedtime as a nightmare he used to self settle could leave him to just go to sleep it now takes 1-2 hours sometimes depending on how tired he is. It’s a nightmare, the not getting him out of bed I find hard because of his sibling I don’t want him to be disturbed makes it difficult x
@Gemma we have to transitioned yesterday to a bed he was happier to go to bed yesterday but still woke up wanting me 11pm xx
I’m currently going through exactly the same thing, sorry I can’t help but sending coffee and love. I’m so tired 🫠