Dummy Question

I’m trialling using a dummy with my 4 day old (exclusively formula fed) LO. He often shows cues of wanting to be fed (e.g. rooting, fussing) right after a feed or close to a feed once he’s been put down to sleep. We’ve offered him his bottle a few times and he does drink some milk but not much and we’re wondering if he just wants the sucking sensation to calm himself like he would if he was being breastfed. My question I guess is do you think this is okay? Also, what are the general guidelines with sterilising dummies? If it falls out during a sleep, am I okay to just put it back in? I don’t need to wash and sterilise after every sleep I’m hoping? Thank you in advance for any response!
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Same thing with mine! I use a dummy and he still yells

Hello! My LO is now 13 months, exclusively formula fed and we used a pacifier. In the early days and weeks I gave it to her to soothe whenever she needed, and later transitioned to just using it at night/for naps (personal preference!). To answer your questions, yes that’s totally fine to give your baby if you want to use pacifiers. It’s up to you what tools you use to soothe them :) when they’re little sterilise frequently, I would do it every day or so. If it drops out during the night, you can replace it without sterilising unless it’s fallen on the floor or something. As they get older… well eventually they eat literally anything off the floor so 😂 I do it every few days if I am vigilant!

I had a little Milton dummy steriliser, it's basically just a small ball with a sponge in that the dummy sits in, containing Milton. So I had one in there and one with baby normally. So if I ever felt like it had fallen out one too many times I could just swap with a fresh one. Now she's 8 months and I sterilise them when I remember which isn't often at all 😂😂😂😂

I think you're right, he might just want to soothe himself, so using the dummy should be fine. I'd recommend mam ones - they come as a pair in a sterilising box, which makes it quick and easy to sterilise in a microwave. Agree with suggestions above, unless it falls on the floor (or somewhere dirty) should be fine to use it again. Mine likes spitting it out onto the bed a few times before finally accepting it 😄

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