Thanks @Amy we are all a bit poorly as well so that’s not helping. We were going to do it gradually but not the case now! x
Oh that’ll definitely make it tough! 😢 we was thinking of taking it away just at night but decided to just go cold turkey, and I’m glad we did! X
We did it Saturday, first 2 nights 😴😴😴 and nearly gave in 😅but by the third night she slept, had asked a couple of times for it but accepted what we said, we have a star chart - 5 stars and she gets a new toy which she is very excited for....hardest thing ever though 😅
We went to ear-throat-nose doctor back in our home country and she told us immediately give up on dummy, because of constant dummy sucking something starts to deform (I don’t remember exactly what she said, as our dad was at that appointment with him). From that moment, we never gave him dummy anymore. For our luck, we it was summer and we’ve been so busy while visiting family, always outside walking, swimming, having bbqs, visiting family. By the end of the day, little one was so tired and was falling asleep without dummy. I was afraid for what will be in a week time, when we will come back to the uk, but looks like that 7 days was enough to him to forget this habit. So maybe try this method, keep them so busy during the day so they will just fall asleep because they are sooooo tired?
I haven’t really got any specific tips apart from sticking with it! The first few nights were so hard taking a while for him to get to sleep and also multiple wake ups in the night but you just have to stick with it and it’ll be worth it ☺️