I was always told to move up teat size when they are getting frustrated with the bottle, taking longer to drink or falling asleep. My nearly 10 month old is still on size 2 xx
@Ellie same my almost 9 month and he’s absolutely fine xx
I moved to size 1 at 9 weeks and size 2 at 12 weeks x
14 month old still using a size 2 teat x
I just waited until I noticed signs that she was ready to move up a size. She was taking ageeeesss to finish a bottle
I’ve put my boy on size 2 at 11 weeks
Thankyou all! Really useful! 🤗
My girl was on size 2 very early but that was only because she started getting very frustrated and angry during feeds and not finishing them. If your girl is happy then keep on that size. Some babies never come off size 1 :)