
My little boy is nearly 9 months now and just will not sleep. I can’t get him to self-soothe atall, doesn’t take a dummy either. He normally needs a bottle to get to sleep but night times are horrendous. He sleeps for an hour or two (like a nap) when he goes down to bed at around 8pm then is awake all night. Any tips for self-soothing or sleep training that doesn’t result in hours of screaming? Thanks ladies
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Following because I feel like I could've written this myself, (except it's my little girl and she's just turned 8 months) but we've been having this problem for about 3 weeks now 🤦The few things that have made some of the bedtimes easier is either a bath *sometimes* right after that "nap that's supposed to be bedtime" and yesterday we went out for a few hours (I had a Drs appointment) and she didn't sleep super long for any of her naps (no more than 45 mins-1 hour) and then we came home and around 645/7 she was ready for her bedtime bottle. Sometimes she randomly gets super tired to the point where she just lays down and passes out (during the day and very rarely at bedtime). I noticed she likes gripping/letting go of her blanket a lot before falling asleep so I can tell it's partially her self soothing but she usually still needs a bottle to fall asleep 75%-80% of the time.

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