The sleeping is normal, and so is a fever if they get that, but the swelling might be concerning. You might want to call your pediatrician and ask about it.
My baby slept loads but still drank his feeds as normal. He had redness where the injections had gone in but was fine the next day. I'd get your baby checked if you're concerned with swelling
My baby got sick . Feeding and sleeping was normal . I massaged the area where he got his shots at. If you’re concern, I’d talk to your doctor or pediatrician.
The sleeping can be normal. Ive read that swelling around the site could be normal due to the injections but I would ask the doctor just to be safe ✨
Question my daughter's 2 mos appt is coming up and I lost the information of the vaccines for that appt. Can someone tell me the names of the vaccines for that 2 month mark?
Thanks everyone. I did reach out to the pediatrician and was instructed to call back if baby girl slept longer than 6 hours during the day.
sleeping is normal, my toddler still does it. swelling i’ve never noticed because i always massaged the area where the shots got placed! i have always noticed in the area it got hardened, but massaging it worked that out always!
My baby slept long after his. But my 17 month old does the same thing when she takes her nap afterwards.