Should I go to CMS ? My ex said he will give £100 a month. He pays already for 3 children on CMS. He isn’t on the birth certificate. When I used the calculator it said around 150. Should I apply?
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He can still legally be obligated without being on the birth certificate. But if yall are on good terms and he’s paying on time I would leave it

It’s unbelievable how they only have to contribute 100 a month. I always used to think it was more like 2000£ a month

@E.P if they had no other kids to pay for it likely would be higher. But it depends on what they make, and what they have to pay

The calculator is a rough idea, it is not guaranteed, also be aware it will be based on the last full tax year available, not his current pay. Also be aware the amount is worked out after pension contributions are taken off but before tax. The amount he owes you will be reduced due to the 3 other children and how often he has your LO overnight but he doesn't need to be on the BC for you to claim child maintenance. Whether you apply or not is your choice but just be aware he can ask for and pay for a DNA test through child maintenance and this can be used to get him added onto the birth certificate if he wishes.

Is he good consistent dad? If he is I’d be tempted to accept the amount he says in the interests of keeping things amicable

My son’s father has 3 other children and cms said I would be only able to get £70 a month. However we spoke and I cancelled cms because £70 wouldn’t cover anything and now he gives me around £200 a month

We don’t talk again. On and off. He didn’t provide for 1 year and 7 months. Now he told me he told CMS he’s paying for my child privately. What does that even mean to them ?

@Sydney @Alex @E.P @Alex @Kelly @Trisha

As Alex had said. He can question that the child is his and end up being put in the certificate. Which will give him rights. I would leave it as it is

@Sydney that’s if he applies to court isn’t it? Can he do this anyways or it’s a longer process? Trying to weigh the cons and pros. Thank you

He can get the dna test through cms I believe

He can get the DNA done through child maintenance, he can then use the DNA results to be added as CellMark is a court approved testing facility. They won't care if he's told them he's paying privately if you apply for child maintenance they will work out how much he should legally be paying and set up a payment plan. It will still be direct pay (he transfers the money directly to you) but if he doesn't, you can then start the process of collect & pay.

My ex pays and isn't on the BC, you should apply

What’s the best option for me ? @Sydney @Alexays

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If this was me, I would leave it as it is. If he doesn’t pay twice in a row then go through cms

If you're not on talking terms and/or don't trust him to pay, I would go through child maintenance.

He sent me 100 for the time in ages and told me he will provide each month. I called CMS and they said my mum was added as he’s paying privately to his account. But I haven’t got a letter or anything. Does that mean his other children will get the same or less? It’s a little confusing X

@Sydney @Alex

Honestly CMS doesn't have to be anything more than a safety net, he can still pay it straight through to you but they'll decide how much he can pay and stuff


What do you mean your mum was added? And paying privately to his account? The child maintenance won't get involved or set up a payment plan unless you yourself start a claim against him. As he already has 3 other children he provides for, I believe they will add a 16% reduction to his gross weekly income before calculating what he would owe you.

@Alex sorry that was a typo * Maybe I should just leave the £100 for now ? What do you think?

My ex was giving me 20 a week so 80 a month, they kept forgetting or refusing to give it if we had an argument so I went through CMS who looked at their warning and stuff and now I get payed 174 a month, babies are bloody expensive especially as they get older and if you're not 100% sure he'll send it then go through CMS honestly, I made the mistake of trusting my ex and had 3 months with literally nothing at one point

What’s the most cms you can get? Thai all seems low. Like the issue is even if they are suppper wealthy and I’m talking estates castles ect if they are “self employed” they can probably evade tax . The rich ones always do

As above, if you're friendly, civil etc I would always advise sorting it out privately as the CMS can genuinely be a joke sometimes for both the PP and RP. If you're not civil, not on talking terms etc, let the CMS handle it but you will need to apply before they'll do anything.

We don’t talk right now but the last time we spoke a month ago he said he will provide each month and send £100 on the 5th of this month @Alex

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