You need to be consuming a shit tonne of calories if you are working out everyday and pumping! Breastfeeding uses so many calories and fluids so make sure you’re not in deficit
@GMF she’ll be 3 months tomorrow 😍 I know 4oz would be the norm but I’m so used to have a lot and I was able to freeze which is helping a lot right now
@April at first that what I thought so I had my mind set that I would not lose much weight going to the gym bc I’ll have to consume more but at least I would start rebuilding the muscle…. So I’m getting more protein…. I guess I’ll need to get more carbs as well
Yeah you have to eat and drink a lot! I typically just lift and minimal cardio cause cardio you lose too many calories at once and it does deplete your milk. You have to make sure you are very hydrated. But at 3 months you really don’t know if you’re an oversupplier. Your body is still trying to figure out what is needed for your baby tbh and it goes up a lot a first and then down once it regulates to what baby needs.
How old is your child? Your supply does regulate. Average pump output is 2-4 ounces if pumping to replace a feed, and .5-2 ounces if pumping after nursing. So there isn’t actually a supply issue although I understand why it feels like there is. Also make sure you’re changing pump parts regularly based on how often you’re pumping!