@Em I’ve had this for weeks. He was going 2/3 hours but now it’s anything from an hour and he’s just screaming. I can’t be feeding him every hour 😭 I’m back at work in a few weeks xxx
@Yasmin I think my sons teething so I think that’s why he’s in pain and also using milk for comfort
@Em I’ve given calpol before bed etc and he still wakes up within the hour of being down so I don’t think it’s always teeth linked for us xx
@Yasmin have you tried nurofen as this helps with inflammation
@Em not on it’s own no, I’ve only used it with calpol when he’s had a temperature x
@Yasmin so nurofen is really good for inflammation pain ( better than Calpol ) But other than that no idea xxx
@Em I’ll give it a try tonight, I’ve also tried feeding him a bottle of formula before bed and he still wakes up within the hour xx
Yes mine too. It’s a lot!
@Soph it’s so exhausting not just physically 😭 xx
Yup this sounds like me!
We've had this for 3 months. Wakes hourly or 40nins and wants feeding to sleep. I've tried really hard not to feed every time and I think it does help as the next stint is often a bit longer.... But it takes a lot of perseverance
@Megan we’ve had it a while, I can’t remember when it actually began to get worse tbh. I try to drag him out and get him back to sleep too if I can, sometimes I can get an extra 20-30mins sometimes i can’t. I’m just glad to know I’m not alone, you begin to think it’s you and that you can’t settle your own baby without feeding them. I’ve tried speaking to the HV but all they keep saying is he’s feeding too often, it’s out of habit, try feeding him some food before bed to fill him up a bit. I’ve tried to teach self soothing as well without letting him cry it out and it’s impossible. He just screams and screams for like hours he doesn’t give up and go to sleep. I try to tell myself it’s not forever but it’s hard to see that when your the one dealing with it and having to go to bed at half 7 at night because you just don’t know what kind if night your in for. I hardly see my husband or my older child xxx
We had similar after naps, our little girl went through a period where she was waking from naps and screaming. We eventually worked out she was waking up hungry, hence why only feeding helps soothe them. We have also just gotten over the hump with the beginning of teething whereby she was awake every 1-2 hours throughout the night. Also exclusively breastfed so it was all down to me to soothe her and I feel you with it being exhausting. Is your little one teething? I know it’s not much comfort but after the first 2 weeks of proper teething she does seem to be going back to doing longer stretches overnight so fingers crossed it’s not too much longer for you before you get a good nights sleep back 🤞🏻 Alternatively could he be going through a growth spurt? P.s. the HV saying to feed him solids before bed to try and fill him up is something I personally would take with a pinch of salt, since starting solids with our little girl she’s been hungrier at milk feeds if anything x
@Kira he’s got his bottom 2 teeth and I’m expecting the top soon but I wouldn’t say he’s constantly teething, some days he’s ok and doesn’t seem bothered by them then others he’s proper chomping and dribbling. I’ve offered calpol on the nights it looks like it’s bothering him and he’s still waking up. I’m offering water as much as possible during the day and he’s slowly starting to drink more. I might get one stint later on in the night if about 2.5 hours but the rest is between 1-2 hours. He fed and was done for 7:05 tonight - woke up at 7:55 managed to get him off on my chest without him being upset but he woke up 15mins later screaming. Fed him and he had a decent feed despite nearly finishing a 6oz bottle of formula at bed time. I’ve tried formula before bed for about a week now to see if that would help but it hasn’t x
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@Yasmin yeah our little one is up and down with teeth, some days they’re really bad for her and others she’s not phased. It’s so tough isn’t it, I really feel for you. I know it doesn’t help but know that a lot of us are all in the same boat, so you’re not alone. When he wakes up for a feed in the night is he falling straight back asleep like he just needs comfort? Or is he actually feeding for a good feed? Would he accept a dummy instead maybe to help him last a bit longer? Maybe if your husband can pop a dummy in to settle him every other wake and then you feed him the other wakes it would mean you get a bit of a longer stretch to recover whilst also helping your little one become less reliant on waking for a feed? I found that trick worked for us, as if I tried to settle our little girl she smelt the milk and just wanted a feed, whereas she would accept a dummy from my husband
Similar but not as bad, I think she's in a development phase or growth spurt. She's guzzling 8oz at 7pm then doing another 4oz an hour or so later! She gets a top up of 5oz at 5pm after 3 6/7oz bottles from 7am. Csn also wake at 2am for another 5oz. I honestly don't know where she puts it!!
@Kira yeah it’s good to know I’m not alone I did begin to wonder why he won’t accept comfort etc. Sometimes he’ll feed for 10mins ish others he’s just suckling but will have the odd drink. So I know he’s not always hungry. He won’t have a dummy we have tried many times he just pulls a face and spits it back out 🙈 x
@Jazmine I’ve been saying to my husband there’s no way he can be this hungry to wake up every hour or so. I know some of the time he’s only waking for the comfort cos when he does go on he only feeds briefly he’s more just sucking for the comfort to go back to sleep. X
My sons been doing this past week Waking up every hour crying and screaming He’s bottle fed and gone back to two whole bottles a night in the last week 🤦🏼♀️