
My daughter really struggles with constipation. I try my hardest to give her high fibre, sneak prunes into her food ensures she drinks water with meals and she’s breastfed but her constipation is severe. She screams and screams to the point now she tries to avoid going for a pooh e.g today I was changing her wet nappy and could see she was needing to pooh and she was running away from me trying to avoid having to do it. I’ve booked an app with Gp but won’t be seen until next week, can anybody give any suggestions with what could help. My heart is breaking for her. 💔
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Orange juice diluted and cook her a meal with olive oil x

@Elena fresh orange juice ?

@Mimi yes literally about 2.5ml with about 100ml of water x

@Elena thank you so much

My girl is struggling with this too! She is of movicol from Dr. Lactulose didn't work. I have tried all natural laxative foods which also didn't help. Diluted apple juice can help but in all honesty she is so reliant on her meds right now and I'd she doesn't have them she can't poo and screams when she tries. I would highly recommend getting a urgent dr appointment as constipation can turn very dangerous very fast. Make sure she has water too. For reference, my girl is 9m x

@Jess my girl goes every two days but it’s with a lot of pain and screaming the last time she went I had to help her and she’s ended up with a cut in her bum bless her so now everytime she goes it’s horrible. I didn’t know it could be dangerous I thought it was common 😭

Awh bless her, it's horrible isn't it?! Yeah it can be dangerous as it can cause impaction which in serious cases can be life threatening. But dont stress lovely, with medication it usually resolves xx

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