It depends on the airline. Most say 28 weeks and then you'll need to book a midwife appointment on the week before flying so they assess and give you the fir to fly. The reason is not overseas but the atmospheric pressure difference that increases the change of having blood clogs. You can wear some compression socks to make you more comfortable
I'll be 25 weeks when flying out and the flight is less than 1 hour but I will chat with my midwife
I’ve just been away 25-26 weeks and didn’t need a fit to fly. No one asked for one either. I wore compression socks on the plane to help with circulation xx
You need to check with the airline about their rules (they all have different ones) and a midwife/ doctors note.
@Amy guidelines state you don't need a fit to fly unless over 28 weeks and easyjet regulations mention as long as you have a FTF or under 28 weeks you can still fly, but I'll give easyjet and my midwife a ring x
I was 30 weeks pregnant and didn’t have any problem. If your baby is ok and midwife gives you green than dont stress about it. x
@Eva thank you x
As mentioned above most airlines ask for a fit to fly note from week 28. More practically, this will depend on how your pregnancy is going and any risks you have - your midwife should advice. I have family who traveled in their 8th month and personally have travelled a few times up until my 6th month. I would recommend you wear compression socks, avoid heavy luggage (or ask for help) and if you can pick a comfortable seat with wiggle room for your feet
I flew to Spain around 6 months pregnant and I didn’t need a fit to fly letter. However if you’ve got a high risk pregnancy may be different. I think it’s from 28 weeks you need it from. Run it by your midwife the month before because things can change in pregnancy and you may have to take a train instead x