
I’m sick and I’m exhausted. I’m pregnant in my third trimester and I have to chase around my toddler, while cleaning and cooking for everyone. My body feels like it’s on its last leg, I get up and get my step daughter ready for school and I feel like I never catch a break. I’m mentally feeling so drained. I feel so scared for this next baby to come, will I be able to handle it? I have no help I get scared about what I’m going to do.
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Being a mum of two under two, being pregnant with a toddler is harder than when baby arrives. I hope that gives you hope. If people don’t help you with chores, just have them round to entertain the toddler. And let the house go a bit because miraculously people then offer to help when they see piles of washing and dirty pots or an overtired child x

I promise you’re not alone, towards the end of pregnancy your body is doing twice the work to make sure your little baby gains weight and comes out healthy! Don’t be so hard on yourself, you’re doing amazing. Could you sit down with your partner and discuss what things to adapt when baby’s here? X

Why are you doing it alone if you're also a step-mom it sounds like you should have a partner taking on the majority of these things while you're in the last trimester and during recovery.. If you're a single mom, is there any family you can lean on?? You are not made to take on this all by yourself, of course your body is giving up its doing a LOT

I see this so much with moms and responsibilities where partners don't help around the house. Nowadays, more and more women are chosing to not have kids because they see that men do next to nothing. Talk to your partner, and if you have a son, build him to help and understand what needs to be done. I think the issue with men now days comes from childhood, where their parents didn't teach them to have this awareness of women and household. As for help, stick up for yourself before you develop negative coping skills, even mental illness.

I gave birth to my third this week and my other two are still under 3. Being pregnant with toddler/s is absolutely way harder. Make time for yourself because you do need it

@J.S. Jaees yeah I have a partner but he works long days and he works construction so when he gets home he is pretty wiped out he cooks dinner a couple times a week and helps me when he can, just hard to balance everything

@Sharnee that gives me hope it will get easier after

@Zoe Saffron Piper we talked about things like since we only have one car that he will have to take our oldest to school and pick her up while I recover and we need to figure out a meal prep plan. It’s just difficult cause I feel like he is too relaxed about it while I feel super stressed about it

@Amy my partner and my step daughter keep my LO entertained while they can but she is a complete mommas girl and will just sit in the kitchen or bring her toys where I am just to be in the same room as me 💀 even if my partner gives me a chance to take a nap she will knock at the bed room door. I’m teaching my oldest to really do her part and giving her more responsibility with house chores but yk she still in elementary school and her attention span isn’t the greatest so it’s a work in progress

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