Over the last couple of weeks I’ve stopped the night feeds, he got really cross for 2/3 nights and has just stopped trying. He has a cup of water in case he’s thirsty. If he wakes we just have a cuddle until he goes back to sleep. He is waking at 5am absolutely starving though, but I won’t take him down until 6:15. The last few days he’s woken at 5:30 instead. I’m still offering milk for nap and to go to bed, but I plan on cutting the bed feed in the next few days. (God knows how I’m going to manage the nap one though!) I will say he is now sleeping longer stretches through the night. He used to wake every 2 hours but he’s now sleeping 8pm-5:30am with one wake for a cuddle and settle. I also wore high neck tops and tucked them into my pjs so he couldn’t get easy access 😂
It’s so hard! I’ve got my boobie milk addict down to one feed af bed time with the booby moon book but now he just says every night I don’t want to send it to the moon lol going to work up to it going away very soon but it’s so hard. I totally understand it must be so hard when it’s just you and her as I rely so heavily on my husband trying to distract and when he works away I go back to feeding more regularly just to get some sleep!!!! If you find a magic remedy let me know