Squint - anyone LO or have experience of slight squint on right eye. It happens occasionally and not so noticeable but starting to get concerned.

Do opticians see babies this young age at 9 month old and should I get it checked out ?
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I had my little girl at an opticians appointment a couple month back. They said they don't see kids till they can communicate or talk usually around 2. However the GP might be able to help. I had a slight squint as a baby and was diagnosed with an astigmatism at 3.5 years old. I've had glasses since now 24

My baby had an eye referral and was seen at 13 weeks as she had a posible lazy eye. She was then seen about 6 months. She’ll be seen in a year now. Eyes grand, it was just as she was so young and can be common at first.

Oh, thank you, ladies, my cousins, an optometrist, so I might get her checked out by her and referred if need be. Just seems to be happening a bit more now, @Hayley similar to your baby 👶 how did they check baby girls eye?

My girls under Moorfields in London. She had tests a few weeks back, they used wires and lights. We have to go to local hospital beginning of March for results

@Gemma hope all goes OK for you hun. How was your LO with the tests?

Ask your health visitor for a referral to the optometrist. It's hard to test before baby can communicate, so they will likely see you and ask you back when they are older. We're going through the same with my eldest and he's just turned 3.

Referral was sent my the HV. She was seen by 2 clinicians in the clinic not the opticians. She had a fluid in her eye to dilate. They had special head gear to look in to her eyes. Made her look at toys and lights. Baby’s eyes are grand now but she had a lazy right eye from May - July.

Thank you! It took a while as she just wanted to pull the wires off her head 🙈

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