@Katy I'm 2 years pp and wasn't told any of this. Do you think it's too late to try the techniques you recommended?
Massage in the shower or after a hot bath in all directions for scar mobilization! Stay hydrated to beat bloat. And dare I say it, intermittent fasting helped me with general ‘poof’.
Massage, cupping and core exercises. Be patient, its gonna take some time. But it might never be 100% gone.
@Chautauqua apparently it’s never too late! I follow 360mama on instagram. There are also scar massage practitioners in the UK - info on where to find them is through 360mama. Hope it helps!
@Katy It does, thank you!
Scar massage is amazing with the proper oil, I used NAQI skin optimising oil. Also I started by using a gua sha which really was great.