@Ebony thank you. I’ve put up a bed guard. There’s a gap where the pillow would be tho. Today was so scary. Baby shook and shook (didn’t convulse). So scary 😭
I would 100% want baby in bed with me too if I was you ❤️ sometimes I use headphones and watch stuff on my phone so it doesn’t wake bubs x
Please google safe sleep seven. I will also say bed guards are not recommended but I can see that this is an impromptu bed sharing arrangement so just be careful that baby isn’t mobile in the night and becomes trapped
@Katie maybe that’s what I’ll do. Thank you. I don’t want to leave her tonight 😢
We follow safe sleep 7 and lullaby trust and have been co sleeping since 6m. Sorry to hear you had a difficult day does sound scary and I wouldn't want to leave bubba either. Take care and hope you get some sleep too , I usually use earphones and watch things on my phone too ❤️
Lots of great advice already just hear today thinking of you must of been so hard! Xx
@Rachel thank you. I’ve actually put her down in her cot as I don’t want to fall in to co sleeping but if I need to get her I will. What a day. Terrifying 😭
I would of done the same if I was you best lace for them but get why you felt like you did xx
No pillows, no extra covering for baby and 1 less layer than what she'd usually have. If your bed doesn't quite touch the wall pad it out with any spare pillows and blankets you have just incase she rolls off the bed. Some times you both could do with a night of snuggles rather than and up and down all night. I hope you both get some rest 💜