9-9:30pm. Wakes up for the day between 7-8:30am Night feeds every 3-4 hours
@Jestina mine sleeps till about 7am with 1 or 2 feeds throughout the night, normally 11ish and 4am xx
Usually Goes to bed at 9Pm, asleep by 9.30. wakes up at 7.30 - 8 Am
@Danni no feeds? Xx
Yes. Usually she wakes for feed around 1 AM and then between 4 and 5 AM.
Mine goes around 2/3/4/5 in the morning 😫😫😫
So interesting to see Mummas putting their babies to bed later. I’ve tried to stick to a 7 pm bedtime and baby girl has stated waking around 5/5.30 am. Was thinking of pushing bedtime back because she needs less sleep may be? so that she wakes a little later
@Charlotte how much sleep during the day does she have? My girl gets fomo I swear 🤣 she has a 1.5 hour nap around 9am and then 2/3 30min naps throughout the day. She lets me know she’s ready for bed by just falling asleep where ever she pleases. I’ve just put her down now at 6:15 and she just sends herself off. Regression obviously hasn’t started for me yet and will probably fully kick my ass 😂
6:30/7pm. Wakes up twice around 11&3 for a feed then up at 6:30 for the day x
She gets around 3 hours. Either 1 x 1.5 hr nap and 2 x 45 min naps. Or 4 x 45 minute naps. Amazing that she falls asleep wherever. My baby fights it’s hard these days… makes me think she’s not tired enough may be? You might not experience any affects of a regression if she’s pretty good at soothing herself to sleep xx
Around half 8 /9 wakes up around 8:30am x
Just being curious with the ones who have their babies sleeping from 8pm to 8am and 7pm to 7am. How much do your babies sleep during the day as I would love to get out boy into that kind of pattern? Our boy goes to sleep at 8, usually has a feed at 3-4am and then wakes up again at 6, but we would love to stretch this to 7am 😅 He naps between 3-4 hours per day
@Liv really rubbish at sleeping during the day ! Has maybe 30 mins in the morning in the car whilst I take my others to school /nursery and then will have a nap around 1pm for about an hour and then sleeps at 3ish on the school run again and then that's it until he is ready for bed. He is just really nosey and naps are impossible but he will sleep all night without a feed so I can't moan x
@Chloe ah, makes sense.My boy's naps are better than that but sounds like they're both getting about 14 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period which is ideal. Ours does sleep through the night at times and we can sometimes stretch his wake to 7 and 10 hours sleep with one wake is manageable but I reckon we all just want more sleep to ourselves 😅
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Between 6-7:30pm wakes maybe 5:30am feeds for 15 mins and back to bed for another 2 hours
My son used to do really well with 8.30pm til 8am but then he started waking up at 5am (sometimes earlier). I’ve just started experimenting with an earlier bedtime of 7.30/8pm and he’s started sleeping through again!! We also don’t let him stay up longer than 90 mins/2 hours during the day without a nap and that seems to do the trick too! Xx
We do bedtime around 8-8:30pm and wake 7:30-8am. Usually around 3.5 hours of day sleep over 4 naps. 0-2 wakes at night.
Sleeps around 7:30pm and then dream feeds about 9/9:30pm, then will have feed about 4am or sleep through until 7am x
Mine is usually asleep for the night around 9.30pm and wakes for the day around 8am (with one or two feeds in the night).
9-10pm, about 3 feeds , goes straight bk to sleep wakes up around 9am have a feed then sleeps till 11 am
6:30/7 for us
I’m so lucky! Mine goes to bed about 8 then wakes at 7 for a feed then back to sleep till about 10 :) he’s been like that from birth 🥲 xx
Following as I’m also wondering this Also would be useful to know wake-up time